The Early Years...



Plotting the early years from 1959 when Rolf Harris entertained not only the children but the adults too, Vin Walsh referred to his friend’s bees for a indication of future weather conditions, Harry Butler was an expert on aboriginal culture and wildlife, the multitalented Garry Meadows graced many a program from News to variety shows, Dorothy Baker was a early national star of Australian television, many talented people got their start in television through their exposure on TVW, Brian Williams and Max Bostock were pivotal to the success of many productions, Lloyd Lawson was the grand old man of television... prematurely aging courtesy of make-up for his segment on Perth in 50 years time, Pam Leuba was the first female Newsreader, Barbara Robinson was a beauty who graced our screens, Carolyn Noble and Judy Lee presented Children’s Channel Seven, Jack Sheedy and Austin Robertson Snr were both champion sportsmen and sports commentators.

Photos courtesy of Gordon McColl