Personalities from the past created a television heritage well worth documenting for references by present day students and researchers of the future.
The Music and Pop show Produced at TVW’s Studios in the 60″s, one of the Program’s Hosts was Johnny Young. The Show featured local Bands and Singers as well as visiting Vocalists and Groups from Interstate and Overseas. There was also a Female Group of Dancers featured in the Production numbers. One thing that was […]
The following is the eulogy that Darcy Farrell (TVW’s first News Editor) gave at Bob Cribb’s funeral on December 5th, 2008. Darcy believes that in the overall TVW7 story Bob should be remembered as a valuable pioneer who, more than anything, was a colourful character. Bob Cribb I spoke to Bob just a couple of […]
Friends of the late Jim Atkinson pay tribute to a much loved friend, colleague and entertainer. Audrey Long (nee Barnaby) and Coralie Condon advised that Jim Atkinson started in Albany Radio 6VA and later moved to Perth Radio 6PR, and also played in a band, whilst both Gordon McColl and Colm O’Doherty mentioned that Jim […]
The first edition of Spotlight was broadcast on the opening night of Channel Seven, Friday 16th October, 1959. The editions that followed were broadcast each Thursday from 10 to 10.30pm. Phillip Edgley, Brian Card, Dianne Briggs, Judy Schonell, Dorothy & Bert Shaw and Reg Whiteman It was a half hour variety show written and produced […]
Jim started with Seven in 1960, after Rolf Harris left, joining Carolyn Noble and Judy Lee on Children’s Channel Seven. By the time Trina Williams (nee Brown) became hostess of Children’s Channel 7, Jim Atkinson had the on-air persona of Captain Jim and performed along with good friend Colm O’Doherty (as Seaman O’Doherty). Taffy the […]
DISNEY ON PARADE an arena stage show for all ages By Richard Ashton I hired a noisy hovercraft for Mickey Mouse to arrive into a filled to capacity Perry Lakes stadium to celebrate his birthday. The first time a Disney on Parade arena show that had been produced outside America was done by Channel 7 […]
A selection of News Department photos showing different newsreader over the decades, and many of the people responsible for bringing the daily news happenings into your home. People who often braved the elements to get a story, or in some cases became part of the story. Examples being the air crash which took the life […]