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Sue Scrutton (nee Ammon) – Secretary

Posted by ken On October - 11 - 2009

Sue Ammon was the secretary to John Quicke in Engineering from 1963 to 1967.


Lizzie Kirkham (nee Sorley), Frank Moss, Sue Scrutton (nee Ammon) and Joy Campbell (nee Heweston) (Photo courtesy of Joy Campbell)

Jim Cruthers was terrifyingly intelligent and a stickler for “no rubbing out” on those foolscap six strike (duplicates) pages, which I typed on a manual typewriter (later clocked at 104wpm, no errors – TVW was good training). How many times did we get to the last word, only to make a typo and have to start all over again? I never got good enough at rubbing out the carbon copies to fool Mr Cruthers. Remember those circular erasers?


TVW Wild West Night: Sue is second from the left (Photo courtesy of Sue Scrutton)

One day, when his secretary Perry Moss was away, I was asked to leave my laid-back engineering department (John Quicke was my very forgiving boss) and do some letters for Mr Cruthers. I sat across the desk from him and took his dictation down in my pretty ordinary shorthand. Then he asked me to read it back! I did my best, despite nerves, but halted at a word and he leaned over, glanced at it for a second then told me what it was. He could read shorthand upside down!


Joy Heweston, Patti Nicholas, Marg Heweston & Sue Ammon doing a skit at the 1965 Ball (Photo courtesy of Patti Rock (nee Nicholas))

I wondered why he didn’t just type it up himself. I’m sure he would have done a better job of it than I did.

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